Andaman & Nicobar Administration      Tel: 03192-232388

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

The Registrar of Cooperative societies, A&N Islands shall function as statutory and administrative head of the Coop Department. The Cooperative Societies functioning in the UT of A&N Islands will be under the direct control and supervision of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies assisted by 03 Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies posted one each at Headquarter, Port Blair, at Car Nicobar for the Nicobar District and at Mayabunder for the entire North & Middle Andaman, with 18 Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, 30 Inspectors of Cooperative Societies and 15 Sub-Inspectors of Cooperative Societies under them.

Besides, he is supervising & controlling the works of ministerial and supervisory staff, attending of meetings, hearing to the complaints, advising the office bearers of cooperative societies, formulating policy, decision for furtherance of cooperative movement keeping in view the board policy laid down by the Govt. of India and need based programme in consonance with the aspiration of the people at large.

The Cooperative Department functions under the control and supervision of Registrar of Cooperative Societies who has been vested with the statutory powers under A&N Islands Cooperative Societies Regulation 1973, and the Rules framed there-under in 1974 under the Administrative head of Secretary (Cooperation)-cum-RCS. The Registrar is assisted by 03 Nos. of Deputy Registrars one each at Port Blair (Headquarter), Mayabunder and Car Nicobar, 18 Nos. of Assistant Registrars, 30 Nos. of Inspectors and 15 Nos. of Sub-Inspectors of Cooperative Societies who are posted in various places from Campbell to Diglipur. Besides, there is 25 Ministerial staff as well as 23 Multi Tasking staff (MTS) posted under him.

The Cooperative department envisions to register 975 numbers of more cooperative societies @ average 75 Cooperative societies per year) by 2030 which will create self-employment opportunities particularly for the educated unemployed youths, women, differently-abled persons and tribal’s of A & N Islands for all round development of the Islands.
The departments also envisage computerizing all Primary Agricultural Credit cooperative Societies (PACS) of A & N Islands in collaboration with NABARD and GOI for bringing transparency and uniformity in the working of the credit cooperative societies.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Ans. :-
    Step 1
    • Open the website, Home Page would appear
    Step 2
    • Go to online services under that SELECT Registration of new Cooperative Society (section 8)
    Step 3
    • User Registration of Chief Promoter form would appear. • Enter all the requisite details of Chief Promoter of proposed Cooperative Society.
    Step 4
    • After verification of Chief Promoter details Department will allot User ID to the Chief Promoter through SMS.
    Step 5
    • Chief Promoter will login through his/her User ID and inform the Dept. regarding conduction of the Organization Meeting by him/her.
    Step 6
    • After organization meeting for registration of new Cooperative Society an online application form (Form 3) will be filled up i.e.

    * Name of proposed cooperative society,
    * Class of the coop. society (Primary/ Central/ Apex),
    * Liability of the society,
    * Addressed to be registered,
    * District,
    * Tehsil,
    * Area of operation,
    * Main object of the society,
    * Number of members joining at present,
    * Area mortgage by members joining (in case of service society),
    * Capital with details of shares deposit & fees etc.,
    * Value of share & mode of payment,
    * Name of the adhoc committee,
    * Name of the applicant for the purpose of correspondence
    * Details of promottee members by the Chief Promoter.

    Following necessary documents should be uploaded
    a) Copy of the minutes of the organization meeting (resolving name of the society, area of operation, authorized capital, class of the society, adhoc committee etc.,)
    b) Bye-laws signed by two representatives (President & Secretary of adhoc committee) of the proposed society in each page of the bye-laws.
    c) Copy of bank counterfoil in respect of deposit of share capital in temporary bank account.
    d) Project report of the proposed society duly showing the viability of the society duly.
    e) Upload signature, photograph, Aadhar with concent letter, photo identity proof & residence proof of the promotee members (Aadhar Card/ Islander Card/Voter Card/ Ration Card), copy of smart ration card with comprising family details, education qualification if any . All the above documents of each & every member should be self attested and countersigned by the Chief Promoter of the proposed society.
    f) Concent letter from Technical Advisor, if any.
    g) Technical qualification, if any
    h) Undertaking
    i) Annexure –I

    • Note:- Format of proceeding of the Organization Meeting, Concern Letter, Undertaking, Annexure-II available in top of the application (Form 3) • Chief Promoter can track his/her request by login on website (

  • Step 1
    • Open the website, Home Page would appear.
    Step 2
    • Go to online services under that SELECT Amendment of bye-laws (Section 10)
    Step 3
    • Society will log on using allotted credentials and apply for amendment of bye-laws.

    Following necessary documents should be uploaded
    a) Due notice (as per bye-laws of the concerned society)
    b) Proceeding of the general body meeting
    c) Certificate under Rule 11 of A & N Islands Coop. Societies Rules, 1974.
    d) Attendance (2/3rd member for the time being should present and majority should pass the proposed amendment)
    e) Statement of amendment of bye-laws passed in general body meeting.
    All above documents should be signed by President & Secretary in each page.

    • Note: - Format of due notice, certificates and statement is available on the top. • Secretary of the concerned society can track their request in site ( ?

  • Step 1
    • Open the website, Home Page would appear.
    Step 2
    • Go to online services under that SELECT Election of bye-laws
    (Section 26) be substituted as Election (under Section 26 & Rule 27)
    Step 3
    1. Society will logon using allotted credentials and apply for election to the managing committee of the cooperative society and upload General Body Meeting Notice with the request to appoint Returning Officer and Manager for conducting election
    2. Concerned ARCS/DRCS/RCS (Dept.) appoint Returning Officer & Manager for election.
    3. Manager for election will upload election programme.
    4. Concerned ARCS/DRCS/RCS (Dept.) will verify and approve the Election Programme.
    5. After Conducting Election on fixed date, Returning Officer will upload the Election Result in department website.

    • Note:-Secretary of the concerned society can track their request in site (

  • Ans. Office of the Registrar Co-operative Societies, VIP Road, Adjacent to Junglighat Post Office, Port Blair, South Andaman District-744103.
    Tel 03192-232388
    Official Email ID:

  • Ans. Website Link: Homepage +list of Registered Societies.

  • Ans. A resident of Andaman & Nicobar Islands can become member of the society if he or she fulfills the conditions laid down in registered bye-laws of different types of societies. In case of housing societies, an applicant for membership should not have any plot/flat in their name or in the name of any dependent member of their family.

  • Ans. From the registration of a Co-operative Society till the cancellation of its registration, the Registrar acts as a friend, philosopher and guide to the co- operatives Registrar order to ensure that the Co-operative Societies function in accordance with the provisions of A & N Islands Co-operative Spcietied Regulation, Rules, Bye-laws and govt. policies.
    The main functions of the Registrar are as under:-
    1. Registration of Co-operative Societies.
    2. Amendments to the Bye-laws of Co-operative Societies.
    3. Amalgamation, division and re-organization of Co-operative Societies.
    4. Conduction election of Managing Committee in primary Co-operative banks and federal Co-operative Societies.
    5. Regulation of investment of funds by Co-operative Societies as per Act & Rules.
    6. To conduct audit and inspection, handle enquiries and fix surcharge on negligent functionaries of Co-operative Societies.
    7. To settle dispute of Co-operative Societies through the process of arbitration.
    8. Function as an appellate court.
    9. Enforcement/execution of orders, awards and decrees of various courts.
    10. Winding up and cancellation of registration of defunct/non-functional societies.
    11. To frame/amend A & N Islands Co-operative Spcieties Regulation, 1973 from time to time.
    12. To issue instructions/directives for the promotion of business of different categories of Co-operatives.

  • Ans. :-
    1. Agricultural Credit Cooperative
    2. Thrift and Credit Co-operative Societies.
    3. Urban Co-operative Banks
    4. Industrial Co-operative Societies
    5. Labour & Construction Co-operative Societies
    6. Transport Co-operative Societies
    7. Consumer Co-operative Societies
    8. Marketing Co-operative Societies
    9. Co-operative Federations.
    10. Housing Societies
    11. Security Services Co-operative Societies
    12. Co-operative Societies formed by professionals in the areas