The Registrar of Cooperative societies, A&N Islands shall function as statutory and administrative head of the Coop Department. The Cooperative Societies functioning in the UT of A&N Islands will be under the direct control and supervision of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies assisted by 03 Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies posted one each at Headquarter, Port Blair, at Car Nicobar for the Nicobar District and at Mayabunder for the entire North & Middle Andaman, with 18 Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, 30 Inspectors of Cooperative Societies and 15 Sub-Inspectors of Cooperative Societies under them.
The Registrar of Cooperative Societies has been vested with statutory powers laid down in the A&N Islands Cooperative Societies Regulations, 1973 and the A&N Islands Cooperative Societies Rules, 1974 as amended or substituted from time to time within the framework of the Cooperative Societies Regulation in vogue and rules framed thereunder and the policy decision of the Govt. of India through the Administration taken from time to time.
The following are the important powers and functions vested in Registrar of Cooperative Societies under the A&N Islands Cooperative Societies Regulations, 1973 and Rules, 1974.
- Registration of Cooperative Societies.
- Amendments of bye-laws of Cooperative Societies.
- Amalgamation, transfer of assets and division of Cooperative Societies.
- Cancellation of Registration of Cooperative Societies.
- Convening of Special General Body Meeting of the Cooperative Societies as per powers vested under him under section 25 of the Regulation.
- Dissolution of Committee and appointment of Administrator/Administrators as empowered under section 27 of the Regulation.
- Seizure of documents and records under powers conferred in Section 28 of the Regulation.
- Authorization and conducting of audit under Section 48 of the Regulation and ensuring upto date audit of Cooperative Societies.
- Inspection of Cooperative Societies or authorization of subordinate officers for conducting inspection under the statute.
- Order for enquiry on working, financial condition and constitution of a Cooperative Society as would be necessary under section 50 of the Regulation.
- He may also exercise powers to order recovery of any money or property from the persons who are entrusted with the Management of the Society if mismanaged and loss incurred or financial impropriety is noted. He may surcharge any past or present officer or employee of an affected society after an audit under section 48, inspection under section 49, enquiry under section 50 and winding up of a cooperative society under section 57, if he finds any violation of the provision of the Regulation.
- Any dispute touching the constitution of the Committee or business of a cooperative society as defined under section 55 of the Regulation is referred to the Registrar for disposal under section 56 above Rs. 25.00 Lakhs cases are referred to Registrar himself or he may refer the dispute to the subordinate officers under him by appointing as arbitrator above Rs. 25.00 Lakh.
- He may order for winding up of cooperative society if it appears to him as the only course left after an enquiry under section 50 or an inspection under section 49 or on receipt of an application made by not less than 3/4th members of the cooperative society.
- The Registrar shall appoint liquidator for the purpose of winding up of a cooperative society under section 58 of the Regulation.
- Enforcement of provisions under section 66,67 for recovery of loan and other dues and appointment of recovery officers & Sale Officers for execution of decree against decision or order under section 27,50,52,54,56,57,59,60 and 65 of the Regulation.
- Exercising of the powers of the Civil Court under Section 84 of the Regulation.
Besides, he is supervising & controlling the works of ministerial and supervisory staff, attending of meetings, hearing to the complaints, advising the office bearers of cooperative societies, formulating policy, decision for furtherance of cooperative movement keeping in view the board policy laid down by the Govt. of India and need based programme in consonance with the aspiration of the people at large.
He is also assigned with the following duties:-
- Formulations of Plan Schemes.
- Preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly and Annual Progress Reports relating to Plan Schemes.
- Preparation and submission of annual returns to the Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, NCDC and NCCF etc.
- Recovery of loans and interest due to Govt. from Societies.
- Recovery of audit fees assessed.
- Keeping liaison with all development Departments and other agencies for strengthening of Cooperative Movement.