Andaman & Nicobar Administration      Tel: 03192-232388

1 Registration of New Coop. Societies 90 days
2 Registration of amendment of bye- laws 30 days
3 Inspection of Primary Societies (as per calendar) 07 days
4 Inspection of Apex/Central Societies 20 days
5 Disposal of Complaints in respect of any Primary Coop. Societies 07 days
6 Disposal of Complaints of Apex/Central Coops. 20 days
7 Audit of Coop. Societies As per Calendar
8 Test audit of Primary Coop. Societies 07 days
9 Test audit of Apex/Central Coop. Societies 20 days
10 Enquiry against Societies violating norms/bye-laws 45 days
11 Conducting election to societies after registration 02 Months
12 Special audit on complaint against Apex/Central Coop. Societies 20 days
13 Audit of Coop. Societies from the date of authorization
Primary Cooperative
Central Cooperatives
30 days
03 Months
02 Months